
Our Club believes in hands-on projects that directly benefit the non-profit organizations in our community who need extra help providing resources to the homeless, needy seniors and children of disadvantaged families.

President’s Project- Autism
In 2024 the club held its first Autism Walk in April.

Donation Day
In 2024 the club donated $13,000 to 11 organizations the majority of which went to those that work with children, families, seniors and homeless. And awarded $11,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors from Vista’s high schools to attend 4year,2-year, or technical training schools. Every member of the club has an opportunity to be involved in the decision-making process of who our donations go to annually. Members of each school’s counseling departments decide on who will receive a scholarship award.

Each year the club donates Scholarships to graduating seniors from Vista’s high schools to attend 4year, 2-year, or technical training schools. These students are chosen by their high school counselor not a member of the club.

Covers of Love
The Woman’s Club supports the Vista community Clinic by donating handmade fleece baby blankets and crocheted hats to mothers of babies who visit the clinic for newborn care and classes. One member of the club is happy to teach our members how to make fleece blankets with takes about an hour. Ne moms at the Vista Community Clinic love receiving them!

Domestic & Sexual Violence Awareness & Prevention
Our club’s Domestic Violence Chairman monthly keeps us abreast if information and activities regarding domestic and sexual violence and prevention measures being taken locally and in Congress.

Alta Vista Botanical Gardens
We support the activities of the Alta Vista Botanical Gardens. The Woman’s Club is a Lifetime member of the gardens and as such every member of the club may visit at any time. The Kids in the Garden is a special project of several members who enjoy working with children to learn the joys of nature. This project is now in its 15th year! The gardens also shine during events like the annual Earth Day Festival and Mead Festival.

Health and Wellness
The Health and Wellness Community Service program focuses on the human body, mind, and spirit. We explore the various opportunities for awareness and advancement of each of these vital areas. This could include our Women Out Walking project, or simply training on breathing exercises during a Membership meeting led by a trained yoga instructor.

Penny Pines
Clattering coins and silent dollars are collected monthly to raise funds for Tree Plantations in the Cleveland National Forest. Since September of 2024, our Club has raised enough for two Plantations.